The Horned Nerite Snail (Clithon sp.) is a freshwater snail species known for its distinctive appearance and algae-eating behavior. Here are some details:
- Size: Typically around 1 inch.
- Lifespan: 1-2 years.
- Conical shell with small, horn-like protrusions.
- Usually has a dark coloration, often black or brown, with patterns.
- Native to Southeast Asia.
- Found in freshwater environments, including rivers and streams.
- Herbivorous. Primarily feeds on algae and biofilm.
- Peaceful and suitable for community aquariums.
Tank Size:
- Can be kept in smaller aquariums, ideally in a tank with a minimum size of 5-10 gallons.
Care Level:
- Easy.
- Requires stable water conditions and a well-maintained aquarium.
- Algae and biofilm are their main food sources. If the tank lacks sufficient algae, supplemental feeding with algae wafers is recommended.
Water Parameters:
- pH: 7.0-8.5
- Temperature: 72-78°F
- Hardness: 5-15 dGH
- Horned Nerite Snails are excellent algae eaters and can help control algae growth in the aquarium.
- They are known for not reproducing in freshwater aquariums, as their larvae need brackish water to develop.
Disclaimer: "Please note that these are general guidelines, and for more accurate values or specific care requirements, we encourage you to contact Living Aquarium by phone or in person. Within store hours, our team of experts is always happy to answer any questions you may have and provide personalized guidance on care."
Horned Nerite Snail