The Mimic Half Black Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus), also known as the Mimic Lemon Peel Tang, is a unique species known for its ability to mimic the appearance of angelfish species during its juvenile phase. As it matures, the tang develops its characteristic half-black coloration, making it a standout in any marine tank. This species is ideal for aquarists looking for a peaceful yet active and visually appealing tang.
Average Size: Typically grows to about 8 inches (20 cm) in length.
Tank Size: A minimum of 75 gallons is recommended, as they are active swimmers and require ample space to roam.
Temperament: Peaceful. The Mimic Half Black Tang is generally non-aggressive and can be kept with other peaceful fish, though caution should be taken when housing them with other tangs due to territorial tendencies.
Unique Traits: This tang species is known for its unique ability to mimic the coloration of the Lemon Peel Angelfish during its juvenile stage. As it matures, it transforms into a half-black, half-golden coloration, giving it a striking appearance in the aquarium.
Origin: Found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the reefs of Indonesia and the Philippines.
Care Level: Moderate. While they are generally hardy, they require stable water conditions and a well-maintained tank to thrive.
Diet: Herbivorous. Their diet should primarily consist of marine algae, seaweed, and spirulina-based foods. Offering high-quality frozen foods such as mysis shrimp or brine shrimp occasionally will help supplement their diet.
Known for its active swimming and constant foraging behavior.
Displays an interesting color change from its juvenile to adult phase.
Can be shy when first introduced but quickly acclimates and becomes a visible, active member of the tank.
Excellent algae eaters that help keep the tank clean.
May become territorial with other tangs, especially in smaller tanks.
Water Parameters:
pH: 8.0-8.4
gH: 8-12
kH: 8-12
TDS: 350-450 ppm
Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C)
Disclaimer: "Please note that these are general guidelines, and for more accurate values, we encourage you to contact Living Aquarium by phone or in person. Within store hours, our team of experts are always happy to answer any questions you may have and provide personalized guidance on care."